Case studies

Promotion material for sales and marketing
(Folder, summaries of clinical studies, power-point presentations to support sales a talk in pharmacies, texts for homepages, publications):
Pressure ulcer, children’s nutrition, pro- and prebiotics, gastrointestinal diseases, phytotherapy, nutrition during pregnancy and breast feeding, interviews about vitamin D and vitamins for snow sport, nutrients for patients having alopecia, influence of nutrients for the dietetic management of urinary problems, irritable bowel syndrome and other gastrointestinal disorders

Dossiers/search of literature/dossiers for approval:
Fibre and satiety, influence of thermal processing to the vitamin content of food, prevention of prostate disease by lycopene, alginates as anti-reflux agents, switch from a prescription drug to an OTC-drug, requirements to market special dietetic food, preparation of package material (labelling, health claims), check of permissibility of ingredients in food supplements and food for special medical purposes, package material (labelling, list of ingredients, nutrient information, instructions for use)

Interview as an expert in different telecasts („Wissenshunger“ from VOX, „Abenteuer Leben Spezial“ from Kabel 1), speaker with the Austrian  Nährstoffakademie/Salzburg, author in publications of different publishers (Euroforum-, Thieme-Verlag), lectureship at the university of Nürnberg “biochemistry of nutrition”, presentation about health claims at Malmö (trade fair Natural Products Scandinavia), education of sales force about scientific issues (kidney diseases and physiology, vitamin D, health claims)

Medical Writing:
Lipids in parenteral nutrition, advantages of multicompartment total parenteral nutrition bags, change of classification from a prescription drug to an OTC-drug